Sunday, January 12, 2020

How to pass data from child component to parent component in lightning web component

In this blog post, we will learn "How to pass data from child component to parent component in lightning web component".

To pass data from child component to parent component we can trigger event from child LWC and handled it parent LWC as shown in below example.


In the child component HTML file, we are firing event based on button click.

        Hi, I am from child component HTML file.
        <lightning-button label="Click Me To Fire Event" onclick={handlebuttonclick}></lightning-button>


In the child comp js file, we are passing childcompname and childcompdescription property to parent component.

import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';

export default class Childcompdemo extends LightningElement {

    @api childcompname='Name of comp is childemocomp';
    @api childcompdescription='Description of comp is testing';
       const evt= new CustomEvent('myfirstevent', {detail:{childcompname:this.childcompname,childcompdescription:this.childcompdescription}});


In the parent component HTML file, we are handling the child comp event.

The keyword "on" is appended before the name of the event using which it is fired.

In this example, we have fired the event from the child component using the name "myfirstevent".

        Hi, I am from parent component HTML file.
        <c-childcompdemo onmyfirstevent={handlechildevent}></c-childcompdemo>


/* eslint-disable no-alert */
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class Parentcompdemo extends LightningElement {

      const childcompname=event.detail.childcompname;
      const childcompdescription=event.detail.childcompdescription;
      alert('Event handled in Parent Comp');
      alert('child comp name is:'+childcompname);
      alert('child comp description is:'+childcompdescription);

<aura:application extends="force:slds">

How to pass data from child component to parent component in lightning web component

child to parent communication in lwc

child to parent communication in lwc

pass data from child to parent lwc


  1. Nice example and explanation. Really like this.

  2. Hi, can we also use this if we want to get data into parent component from multiple child components?

  3. Perfect tutorial for beginners and interview purpose.
