Tuesday, December 31, 2019

for:each directive and iterator directive in lightning web component

for:each directive:

for:each directive is used to render an array. To render an array add the for:each directive to a nested template tag, for:item is used to access the current item, for:index is used to access the current index.

.html file

    <template for:each={students} for:item="item" for:index="index">
        <p key={item.id}>

for:each loop in lightning web component

.js file

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class HelloForEach extends LightningElement {
    students = [
            Id: '112',
            Name: 'Farukh',
            Branch: 'CS',
            Id: '113',
            Name: 'Haider',
            Branch: 'CS',
            Id: '114',
            Name: 'Shaikh',
            Branch: 'IT',

for each in lwc


for:each directive and iterator directive in lightning web component

Iterator directive:

If you have the requirement to access the first and the last element in the list use the iterator directive.

.html file

    <b>for:each directive</b>
    <template for:each={students} for:item="item" for:index="index">
        <p key={item.id}>
    <!--Iterator directive-->
    <b>Iterator directive</b>
    <template iterator:it={students}>
<li key={it.value.id}>
<!--To access the first and the last element use {it.first} and {it.last}-->

for:each directive and iterator directive in lightning web component

.js file

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class HelloForEach extends LightningElement {
    students = [
            Id: '112',
            Name: 'Farukh',
            Branch: 'CS',
            Id: '113',
            Name: 'Haider',
            Branch: 'CS',
            Id: '114',
            Name: 'Shaikh',
            Branch: 'IT',


for:each directive and iterator directive in lightning web component


for:each directive and iterator directive in lightning web component

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