Wednesday, September 12, 2018

What is SeeAllData in salesforce?



If we are defining a test class with @isTest(SeeAllData=true) then we can access data in test class from database under all method present in test class.Under this case annoting a method with @isTest(SeeAllData=false) would be ignored and you can access database data inside this method as well. 
Let's understand with an example. 


public class testclassexample { 

static testmethod void testMethodFirst() { 

contact obj = [SELECT Id, Name from contact where name='test' LIMIT 1]; 
//Accessing contact from database 

static testmethod void testMethodFirst() { 

contact obj1 = [SELECT Id, Name from contact where name='test' LIMIT 1]; 
//Accessing contact from database although @isTest(SeeAllData=false) is applied for method but it will get ignored 
as test class is having @isTest(SeeAllData=true). 

Case 2:


If we are defining a test class with @isTest(SeeAllData=false) then we cannot access data in test class from database under all method present in test class.Under this case annoting a method with @isTest(SeeAllData=true) would not be ignored and you can access database data inside this method. 
Let's understand with an example. 


public class testclassexample { 

static testmethod void testMethodFirst() { 

//You cannot access like this now. 
contact obj = [SELECT Id, Name from contact where name='test' LIMIT 1]; 

//You need to create test data 
Contact obj=new contact();'test'; 
insert obj; 


static testmethod void testMethodFirst() { 

contact obj1 = [SELECT Id, Name from contact where name='test' LIMIT 1]; 
//Accessing contact from database although @isTest(SeeAllData=false) is applied for class but it will get ignored.